Workshop hyperspectral

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee of WHISPERS, the first Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing (Evolution in Remote Sensing), you will find attached to this mail the preliminary technical program. It consists of 3 plenary talks and a number of poster and oral presentations. You can also access this program through the conference website:

As highlighted by the plenary talks (one talk on food safety, one on remote sening of the environment, one planetary exploration), the conference aims at gathering the different communities involved in hyperspectral processing and spectroscopy.

Consequently, the program includes paper dealing with different applications (melanosome, forestry, raman spectroscopy, astrophysics, monitoring of the environment, target detection….) but also different sessions presenting algorithms that can be used in various applications (unmixing, classificiation, segmentation, feature extraction and dimension reduction…).

The registration is now also open:

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geocomunidade/workshop_hyperspectral.txt · Última modificação: 27/06/2009 18:41 por araujo
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